Posted in Fishing Reports on the Jul 21, 2008
Saturday 7/19/2008 saw an early (3:30am) Start For Marcy, Ron, & Adrene on their 2nd trip to Lake Calcasieu with Captain Tom. After a bumpy boat ride to a beautiful sunrise it was a little work to get the fish to start biting. The tide was slow to none early but we put 5 Trout & 1 Pompano in the cooler at the 1st stop and 5 Nice Trout and Marcy hooked and landed a 25# Drum. at the 3rd stop I hooked an 8# Tripletail and had him 1/2 in the net and lost him)&^%$#@ a few choice words later Ron hooked and landed a 23″ Speck that was also a challange to get in the net, but patiance paid off and he’ll be dinner for 4. To finish a great day we moved inside the jetties and Adrene added some Flounder to the cooler for a great finish to their Big Lake Adventure.