Posted in Fishing Reports on the Mar 19, 2010
March 18, 2010 3 Generations of Kerrs Make their 2nd Trip to Lake Calcasieu!!! We started the day with 20 Mph Winds out of the North and a tide a foot below normal(and that was high tide for the day!) But it started with a bang! On his 3rd cast of the day Mick put a 10# red in the box and we were off to a hopefull start. After 2 hours of throwing Gulp White Swimming Mullet on a 1/4 oz Jig we had 5 good Reds for our effort. Because of extremely muddy conditions on the south end we headed north to find a little cleaner water. It was 1 here 1 there for the rest of the day , Lots of hard work but all the fish were nice size including a 4# trout.