Posted in Fishing Reports on the Jul 24, 2008
Thursday July 24, 2008 Went Scouting on my day off and the lake was full of shad. Worked the Schools of shad and had 19 nice trout by 8AM. These 2 were the biggest one was 24″ 4# 13oz. The other was 24.5″ and 5# 1oz. Still have a few August dates open to get in on this great summer action before school starts.
I am one of Joe’s friends we fished in the boat with Tom of
I am from Thibodaux and have fished for many years in Lafourche Parish. I have also probabaly fished with half a dozen different guides and all of them put together did not work as hard as Tom did in the first hour.
We moved alot and saw many different ecosystems that, anyone of the sites looked like they would produce nice fish.
I have had guides from an unnamed area and all they were interested in was putting fish in the boat no matter who caught them.
When I fish, I want to catch the fish not watch the guide catch fish. Tom baited, removed fish from hooks, netted fish, and all with a great attitude and enthusiasm that you cannot fake.
He obivousley enjoys taking people fishing.
Thanks Tom we had a great time.
Judy had the biggest smile on her face for the entire ride home!
Chris Herpel
713 306 6600
Rockport Tx