Posted in Fishing Reports on the Feb 20, 2010
February 19, 2010 Lake Calcasieu Starting to Warm Up!     I haven’t been on the water in about 3 weeks. It’s been cold and windy so even a Big Lake fishing guide needs a vacation. We returned Wednesday and the weather report looked pretty good so Joann and I gave it a try. We caught about 20 nice 3 to 5# Reds and about a dozen Black drum on Gulp and Corkies. Lake Calcasieu was still pretty muddy, you have to search to find some good clean water and the temp was 47* to 52*.  The Houston Fishing Show is March 3 to 8 at the Brown Convention Center,Booth # 442. Come visit my booth and we’ll Talk Lake Calcasieu Speckeled Trout and Redfishing. Things should be ready to heat up on Big Lake by then.