Speckled Trout, Red Fish, & Flounder…

Fishing Tom’s Guide Service

Fishing Tom's Guide Service offers the best and most professional Speckled Trout, Redfish, & Flounder saltwater fishing in Louisiana. We want all of you to come down and enjoy the Saltwater fishing like it should be down here in Louisiana. Our fishing trips take place in the Calcasieu Estuary, which includes the Calcasieu River, Lake Calcasieu, Black Lake and the Ship Channel to the Gulf of Mexico. Get ready to Load the Boat and Book your Trip today!Check out this Video of Captain Tom in action.

Archive for October, 2009

September 30,2009 Scouting the Rocks at the Jetties Pays Off with Nice 3&4 Pound Trout & Black Drum!!!


Scouting the Rocks at the Jetties Pays Off with Nice 3&4 Pound Trout & Black Drum!!! New Penny Gulp Shrimp on a 1/4 ounce Jig Did the Trick!!!! The Birds are starting to work in the lake and the Fall Run is starting to bust Loose!!! Call 318-675-9114 and lets Go Fishing!!!!

September 29 ,2009 Kyle F. of Lafayette, his Daughter (Mary THE Fishcatcher!) and brother Tim have a Great Day!

kylemarytim09-29-2009.jpgSeptember September,29,2009 Kyle F. of Lafyette His Brother Tim and Daughter Mary (The Fishcatcher!!!) joined me for a great day on the water. Live shrimp was the ticket today and Mary had lady luck on her side to catch the biggest and most fish! It was a slow tide day but when it did move the fish were active along the ship channel.